Thanks for the link to the Homeschool Hub article by Alex Newman. Everyone should read it. I've viewed "follow the backpack" money as a stepping stone for people to leave public schools. However, as you've pointed out, government money always comes with strings. It's a form of education welfare that creates dependency.

Many long-time homeschoolers (I started in 2004 and graduated in 2022) realize the danger, and they desire to protect their independence as cited by Newman. One organization he didn't cite that would be of interest is Public School Exit https://www.publicschoolexit.com/, which advocates for all to leave public schools and government money.

What does Rep. Jim Walsh think of this stance? He's pro-school choice "follow the backpack".

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That's a good question. I have not asked him about it. I think it's a "hard sell" for any politician to take the "purist" route with education. I'll see Jim this weekend, so if I have the opportunity I'll ask him. Thanks for the Public School Exit link - I'll share that out

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#schoolchoice IS a government program and it is NOT education liberty

- it grows government

- it removes our representative form of government

- its goal is to put all education under the same government control system

why would conservatives support such a program?! Did you know UNESCO is behind the push?

"The plan is now for your education money to follow children/students into adulthood. Why? Because the United Nations’ plan is for all of the world’s children (and adults) to be “trained” for the global economy and “conditioned” in new global values."


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